BSA Claims Service Adjuster Benefits from Mentoring

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Our people make the difference. BSA Claims Service’s adjusters are among the best in this business. Furthermore,  as the largest Florida-based claims administration and adjusting firm, BSA Claims Service values its adjusters—providing training, mentoring, field support and one of the best fee splits in the industry. We’re proud to feature one of our team members who exemplifies the high standards of BSA Claims Service mentoring program.

Paul Frascatore

From “Tanked” to independent contractor to BSA Claims adjuster: Paul Frascatore seizes mentoring opportunity

From working and appearing on an episode of Animal Planet’s hit show “Tanked” to small business owner as an independent contractor and building and roof inspector, Paul Frascatore took advantage of an adjuster job opportunity with BSA Claims Service and  thus has quickly become one of the firm’s top hires.

“Paul’s experience, knowledge, and drive to improve his adjusting skills have made him a valuable adjuster for BSA Claims Service,” said BSA Claims Service President and CEO Brian Bradley. “BSA supports its adjusters with training, mentorships and other opportunities that Paul has taken advantage of, helping to develop his work product to a high degree.”

Sudden, urgent deployment is part of the adjusting world.  Just more than two years ago, Paul Frascatore sat at his desk in New Jersey, a chill running down his spine. Katrina Wells, BSA Claims Service’s Human Resources Director, had just returned his email, notifying him he had been hired and should head to Florida for mentoring, where Hurricane Irma had just hit.


Well-experienced in construction and building trades, Paul read between the lines. Consequently, Katrina’s message hit him hard. “I was floored with so many emotions,” he said, adding that he was struck by Katrina’s sentence, “AS SOON AS THE AFFECTED AREAS BECOME ACCESSIBLE.”

“That wording literally made me shed a tear at breakfast and my wife asked what was wrong. I realized how real, serious, and devastating the situation was. I was dropping everything to go to Florida,” Paul said.

As an entrepreneur, Paul worked out arrangements to meet his non-adjusting business obligations. Additionally, he called his customers offering a discount if they were comfortable with him not being onsite while work took place.

Their response was a testament to Paul’s outstanding customer service skills, one of the values of a BSA Claims Service adjuster. “All my customers were fine with the idea. I was able to keep my crew busy the rest of 2017,” he said. “The Realtors and real estate lawyers who I was working for shared in my excitement to help the hurricane victims and wished me all the luck,” Paul said.

“I was mentally ready to hit the road,” Paul said, but there was more to be done. Therefore, Paul stayed up all night doing what he could to work on his small farm– his wife was instantly in charge of hundreds of animals. See his Instagram post for more:

Paul’s Experience at BSA Claims

Paul’s experience at BSA Claims Service has been a win-win for the firm and Paul.  “Due to his excellent communication skills and work ethic, we are pleased to have him working with us. He’s a first-rate adjuster and claims manager,” said Tony Rosenberg, BSA Claims Service Operations Director. Also, “Paul is eager to learn and continually improve. His timeliness, accurate and complete claim submissions, and customer service skills set him apart from other adjusters,” Tony said.

Working for BSA Claims Service is helping Paul get closer to his dreams. “I want to buy land and work toward building a house and a large farm where I can grow food for my family and neighbors,” he said.

Adjuster support while in the field is operations director Tony Rosenberg’s forte, keeping claims moving through the process by mentoring Paul and other adjusters. He also mentors those with just a few years of experience to career adjusters. “BSA management was very supportive,” Paul said. “Tony Rosenberg was always available by phone, text and email to help.  He and I had more than 1,000 emails during the storm and each one of them was focused on making me a better adjuster,” he said.

Tony provided tips on accuracy, formatting, Xactimate skills and proper claims handling. “He always found time to answer all my questions,” Paul said.


Deployed this season to South Carolina to work on Hurricane Florence claims, there is no doubt Paul will achieve his next goal: “Continue to become more proficient in the insurance adjusting and damage assessment field.”

Paul is a true renaissance man! He loves pets and farming, and breeds Presa Canarios and exotic finches from Australia.  Paul also has a mini farm where he and his wife raise flowers, crops and poultry.

He was on the season finale of Animal Planet’s hit show “Tanked” in 2017.  “My construction company was hired to be the contractor for Wycleff Jean’s 600-gallon saltwater fish tank installation.  I was in several scenes including the final reveal with Wayde and Brett.  I was in discussions with Wycleff and Claudinette to remodel their kitchen just before leaving for Irma. See Paul’s episode here:

The flexibility of an adjusting career allowed Paul to rush to his wife’s side after tragedy struck. “Shortly after starting Irma claims, my father-in-law died after saving a drowning woman from the ocean.  This loss made being away from my wife very difficult. I flew home for to attend the wake and funeral,” he said.  See the story of his heroic father-in-law  here:

Family is a strong value for him that extends to his pets. A third-generation master craftsman, Paul has been married for just over three years. Paul and his wife have a large family of two dogs, four cats, ducks, chickens and over 100 exotic finches. “I come from a family of teachers and contractors,” he said.
